Jeevan Jyot Rehabilitation Treatment Centre

About Us

Jeevan Jyot Rehabilitation Treatment Centre Nagpur

The number of abuse cases in major cities of India has been increasing rapidly. There are many reasons for people to become victims of abuse such as pleasure seeking behavior, family problems & modern lifestyle. Many individuals also initially do or consume alcohol to try it, resulting in Jeevan Jyot vyasanmukti kendra to such substances over a period of time.
Our Mission
  • To provide High Quality Patient care
  • To nurture and create a Hope in the patients and their family members
  • To help them to Heal and Re-build their lives
  • To make them able to take care of themselves and be equipped to Cope with any situation
  • Focus on Growth and a total Change in personality
Our Vision
  • To be a treatment centre of choice for patients
  • Creating awareness about the Mental Illnesses which disintegrates families.
  • To help, heal and create hope for those suffering from chemical dependency and mental illness and their families.
  • Be in a safe and nurturing environment.
  • Medical withdrawal with 24/7 care & support.
  • Overcome the root causes of illness.
  • Experienced team of therapists.
  • Personalised improvement programme.
  • Look, feel, sleep better & regain confidence.
  • To help, heal and create hope for those suffering from chemical dependency and mental illness and their families.

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